Thinking about vacation...

Nov 29, 2020
There was frost on the ground at my house over the weekend. But spring is in the air! The birds are chirping, the daffodils are blooming and the afternoon sun is warm.
Over the years, we have taken vacations in a variety of places.One of our favorite vacation spots is along the West Coast, specifically the beautiful Pacific Northwest areas in Oregon and Washington. During one vacation several years ago, I filled a Field Notes Kraft graph book with all sorts of valuable information. It was my first actual "honest memo book filled up with GOOD INFORMATION". I still pull it out of my FN-17 Archive Box from time to time to relive those glorious days of hiking around Mt. Hood, Multomnah Falls, wine tasting and overall fun times.
We always take our vacations during the shoulder season in May. The deals are great and we don't have to suffer the crowds. So for us, vacation is coming up very soon.
In recent years, we've been having a great time on the East Coast, spending time in the Outer Banks. We usually rent a house on the 4x4 beach. Staying in the 4x4 beach area means you have to have a 4 wheel drive to reach your house. The street turns to sand and you drive along the beach for a while, then turn left over the dunes and wind your way to the house. The sand is very loose and deep in places, so a 2 wheel drive won't make the trip. Even the 4WD crossover type vehicles get mired down shortly after leaving the safety of the paved road.
Sitting on the deck overlooking the ocean, I always have one of the ruled editions with me, as the ocean has a way of opening up my creative side. This year I'm very excited to bring along a couple of Nixon Field Note editions designed specifically for ocean thoughts. I obtained these fine editions through shrewd and focused trading with some great Field Nut group friends. I'm also planning to bring along a Dime Novel, or perhaps a Signature blank so I can sketch and draw. By the time I get home they will be filled up and properly weathered with the sea air.
Ah sweet it is to be away from it all.